Jl. KH. Noer Ali
Bekasi, Jawa Barat
February 13, 2013
Mr. Ahmad Surendra
Overhead Kick, Inc
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581
Dear Mr. Surendra :
Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel post :
Bekasi, Jawa Barat
February 13, 2013
Mr. Ahmad Surendra
Overhead Kick, Inc
Jl. Ahmad Dahlan
Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581
Dear Mr. Surendra :
Thank you for sending your catalog so promptly. It arrived within a few days of my request. Please send me the following items by parcel post :
25 John Lennon T-Shirt in black and
in size M, L, and XL for every T-Shirt @Rp.75.000,- @Rp.80.000,- @Rp.85.000,-
19 T-Shirt Queen logo and personel,
in size M, L, and XL @Rp.75.000,- @Rp.80.000,- @Rp.85.000,-
Total @Rp.490.000,-
in size M, L, and XL for every T-Shirt @Rp.75.000,- @Rp.80.000,- @Rp.85.000,-
19 T-Shirt Queen logo and personel,
in size M, L, and XL @Rp.75.000,- @Rp.80.000,- @Rp.85.000,-
Total @Rp.490.000,-
I am enclosing a money order for Rp.490.000,-.
If there are additional charges, please let me know.
Please mail the books to the address given above.
Very truly yours,
Arief Rachman Al Asyari
Please mail the books to the address given above.
Very truly yours,
Arief Rachman Al Asyari